
As an Afro-European artist, I am intrinsically interested in cultural and intellectual diversity. In today's world, it is crucial for us to engage in international exchanges. This allows us to share new ideas and present a contemporary perspective on the world. By leveraging global connections and networks, we can work towards improving our society and dismantling discriminatory borders. Science, economy, and industrialization are powerful tools of our time, provided they are utilized appropriately.

Our era is characterized by the prevalence of statistics, data collection, and analysis, which have become indispensable to our daily lives. In the realm of art, these elements deserve not only acceptance but also greater significance. Both science and photography are intertwined in an insatiable pursuit of capturing a semblance of truth. In my works, I amalgamate these common threads, creating a dynamic interplay between abstraction and factual representation. By combining chemical and physical elements with modern techniques, I am able to extract scenes and mundane objects from their conventional contexts, giving rise to something simultaneously unfamiliar and familiar.

My works consistently strive to blur the boundaries between imagination and reality. They explore phenomena situated within the realms of social, economic, and natural relationships.

short bio

Verdiana Albano is a German-Angolan artist living and working in Frankfurt and Berlin. She graduated from the University of Art and Design Offenbach with a focus on Photography and Sculptural Art in November 2021. As part of a German Academic Exchange Service fellowship, in 2019, she studied at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing, China. In 2020, she received the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation's HfG Fotoföderpreis for her documentary photography work on the Megacity Chongqing. Since 2021, her work is part of the Art Collection Deutsche Börse. In 2021, Albano received the ISO 5000 Prize by Hans and Annemarie Weidmann Foundation. Moreover she was a scholar of Bayern Innovativ’s “Junge Kunst und neue Weg” and the “Neustart Plus” Stipend by Stiftung Kunstfonds. Albano was Allianz Foundation Fellow, »follow up talent of Freundeskreis des Hauses der Photographie Hamburg (Deichtorhallen) and is a FUTURES-Photography Talent. She has been participating in various group exhibitions, solo shows, publications and talks in Germany and abroad.