i ain’t from no
east coast
When you’re constantly asked where you come from,
it leads you to think more deeply about it.
It was the time, it was the place
A couple in a Saxon bar,
between Cold and civil war,
between ethnicities and ethics,
between plans and economy,
between dreams and promises
I Have a Dream
Dismantled with the wall:
and then – what next
the show is over
The dream remains
let’s go home
endures through generations.
I'm located at the end of two cultures.
not negative,
looking towards something new,
something uncertain.
This picture was created in co-operation with the DDR Museum Malchow.
“Jetzt ist die Zeit, hier ist der Ort”, Brothers Keepers: Adriano (Letzte Warnung), Song, Germany, 2001.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s: "Normalcy, Never Again / I Have a Dream," speech, Washington D.C. (USA), 1963.
May Ayim: gegen leberwurstgrau – für eine bunte republik (talk – talk – show für den bla – bla – kampf), blues in schwarz weiss / nachtgesang (first published 1985 / 1997), UNRAST Verlag Münster 2023.
Using the Stasi files of her parents, as well as personal and institutional image archives, Verdiana Albano explores her own fragmented
and secret-laden Afro-European history.
Pinakothek der Moderne
This picture was created in co-operation with the DDR Museum Berlin.